A concept I would really like to try / test on a test-server is my idea of a machine-cannon.
I had some mechs in mind while thinking up the basic concepts: Dragon, Centurions, Cicada, Hunchback and JagerMech.
The idea is a light weight machine-cannon, a low weight, low range, mediocre DPS, low heat weapon system.
The clue is, its fires salvos of 3 bullets, like an AR-15 on burst.
Imagine these weapons as huge "2 cm FLAK/KwK guns from the 2nd WW" or really, really large "Browing M2HBs", of cause 1k years in the future in the BT universe.
DMG 6.00 2.8
HEAT 5.00 1.00
COOLDOWN 3.00 3.00
EFF RANGE 180 90
MAX RANGE 360 270
TONS 2.0 3.0
SPEED - 2000m
DURATION 0.75 3x0,3
DPS 1.60 2,15
HPS 1.33 0.77
EHS14 8
HP 10.00 10.00
CB 120,000 380,000
5.00 2.00
4.00 0.50
3.00 3.00
270 180
540 540
1 1
1.0 1.5
- 2000m
1.00 3x0.3
1.25 1,53
1.00 0,4
10 5
- -
10.00 10.00
80,000 250,000
Imagine a HBK-4G with three of them (light or normal MCs and 3 MLs) or a DRG-5N with 3 of these in the arm.
What do you think of this, imo very basic concept?
Good Idea? Bad Idea? You decide!
Have fun and good luck!
Wolves X
Please rate and comment! I love to read your opinions on that topic!
EDIT: Looks like my table didn't work. =(
Any idea how I get this in a table correctly?
Edited by WolvesX, 20 April 2013 - 04:38 AM.